Serving Suggestions

French Toast with
German Milk Bread
Just slice your Milk Bread, let it soak in beaten eggs and fry in butter. Soooo good with yoghurt and fruit! One of my favorite Sunday breakfast dishes.

Avocado Sandwich with European Peasant Bread
Drizzle a olive oil over the bread slice, rub with garlic if you like and broil for a couple of minutes. Smash one avocado using a fork, put it on your bread, season with salt, pepper and a bit lime juice. Add some tomatoes and a finish with an egg, poached or fried.
Great for breakfast, lunch or dinner!

Sunday Family Breakfast
We are not the early birds on a Sunday morning and enjoy our long breakfast together with a variety of breads and rolls, sweat and savory toppings, perfect with Nutella and "Leberwurst" (Liver Sausage).
Eat and talk - Quality Time with Family!

"Roggenbrötchen" - Rye Roll
with Liver Sausage and Mustard
My all time favorite!
Probably only a German can relate why ;-)